Monday, December 2, 2013

Verti Gaaaaaaaag!

Had a little surprise a while back.  It was pretty scary too.  Imagine just cranking along, going about your daily business and suddenly you start feeling a little queasy.

Next thing you know, you can't walk.  The world is spinning and you're puking anything that gets near your stomach.

I had vertigo.  It. was. horrible....

Turns out it was a benign form of proximal vertigo that comes and goes on
it's own.  Scared the beJesus out of me.  Doc prescribed me something and I'm feeling a lot better.

But I tell you, going through this really makes me appreciate living.  Whereas I would once write off a day that wasn't going well, I now take a little more time to understand what's going on.  I can perhaps see the bright side of that downside.  It's helped me, perhaps it can help you too.

My little boy Ali is getting really old :(

W e thought we were going to lose him a couple of weeks ago.  He wouldn't eat and barely drank water and was having siezures every coupl...