Friday, October 29, 2010

Today, Friday October 29th

Work all day.  Stress stress stress.  Take care of business.  Make the client happy.  There is no success without failure.
Come home to:

My girl
She makes me dinner
We sit at the table
And we talk
And laugh
The music plays
We dance
And laugh some more (I am a TERRIBLE dancer) (hahahaha)
Then we clean up
And we walk, hand in hand

And later, my sweet little dog, sniffs my foot and looks at me with love.  And tells me silently that he loves me and always will.

My life is filled with love.
I've been meaning to put something up here for a while now. Decided tonight that I would just start typing. Work's kept me pretty busy lately. And what is left over from work is taken (gladly) by the Sweet Girl.

I've been thinking a lot about the state of things with the apparent political rejection of Democrats, the ascendancy of the GOP and the abject failure of the established media to cover anything but negative aspects of all things conservative. Par for the course if you ask me...

It's amazing that in spite of the overwhelming negative press, conservatives are prevailing. Wouldn't it be amazing if the playing field were leveled? But I digress. The real problems that society should be dealing with are...


Specifically Zombie Kittehs.  Can't blame them for being so cute and wanting to eat delicious brains.

Monday, October 11, 2010


Obamacare is starting to kick in. I enjoyed hearing that a judge in Michigan decided that's it's okay for the government to force an individual to purchase something. What could go wrong?!?!

The hypocrisy of this administration is stunning in it's brutal disregard for the principals which made this country great.

Source here.  Photo courtesy of Doug Ross.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Getting under the Sciencemongers skin...

So the leader of the Get Stewed Science Mongers bursts into my office and slams a piece of paper on my desk.  It's a photo from a website.  Photobomb:

Says the Science Monger lead, "If they're going to steal pictures, at least they could give us credit!"

Free Range Llama Humans coming soon to a pasture near you...

Happy Birthday to my Sweet Girl


That's the key.  Everyone is more interested in themselves than others.  This is a basic premise in sales, psychology, prostitution and (at the risk of redundancy) politics.

My Baby, the Princess, is having a birthday soon and while I'm busy planning to spoil her, love her and make her time special she goes and...

Gets me a gift.

A watch.  A Lucien Piccard.  Not because I need one, but because she wants to be freaking wonderful.

When I found her, I was not searching.
In her, I see the best that I can be.
In me, she knows that I am her rock.

God has a plan, you can fight it, or you can enjoy the ride.

Happy Birthday Princess Sexpot!

My little boy Ali is getting really old :(

W e thought we were going to lose him a couple of weeks ago.  He wouldn't eat and barely drank water and was having siezures every coupl...