Wednesday, April 23, 2014


If you have to call someone to determine if you've pissed them off...

You have.

The preceding was a PSA from Captain Obvious

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Delirious Happiness

“Happiness is a warm puppy.” 
- Charles M. Schulz 

I think I've lost my ability to blog with any effectiveness.  I still enjoy putting words down but it seems like I could once envision what to write and some part of my brain just took over and crafted the words needed into finger motions which produced that vision.

That doesn't happen anymore.

Now I have an idea, begin to consider ways to articulate and something happens like Ali jumping around being cute or Halle playing hide and seek or my beautiful sweet girl will do something that will just derail all thought and I end up doing everything but writing down that idea.

It's not that I don't have ideas.  It's not that I can't write or take a few minutes to do what I'm doing now, it's just that something has happened and planning seems to be going out the window in favor of some really good stuff.

So I want to just say this; if you are reading this, be happy.  It's a choice.  Trust God, because you might not have a plan but he does; for you.  I may post something or I may not, but regardless of who you are and what your situation is, I hope good things happen in your life.

And I hope you're happy.


My little boy Ali is getting really old :(

W e thought we were going to lose him a couple of weeks ago.  He wouldn't eat and barely drank water and was having siezures every coupl...